Security – How to hack the own server


Hello Im using Windows Server 2008 R2, yesterday I notice that my AD was not working propertly cause I cant manage users and mmc console dont allow me to work with any ad, dns relative consoles.

So I found unknows IPs on DNS Propertyes (in the tab where are two radio buttons : all ips and select ips)

so I notice that my Domain Administrator has become a "GUEST" and I lost my Local Administrator (was removed or maybe renamed).

Today I remove the AD with dcpromo /forceremoval , and now I cant enter with any administrator account on my server.

Login screen appears without the computername.

I want to enter with some trick or hack it for recover my information is an Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise RC1 Build 7100

Help me please, thanks to anyone

Best Answer

You might have to restore from backup.

Even that would be tricky because of active directory not liking the previous database appearing on the network, though.

Is this the only AD server you had? Are there backup servers? If this was JUST an AD server you might get away with rebuilding the box and re-joining it to the domain as an AD server.

You also need to investigate how you lost those privileges in the first place! Hack? Missing updates? Admin user gone rogue? If someone IS in your system with admin privileges there's a good chance you have other problems with trojans, corruption, stolen really need to stop and audit everything in your network to find out what happened or this issue you're troubleshooting is akin to fixing a hangnail on a guy that just had his foot severed.