Security – How to make an internet facing TFTP server secure


I have many Cisco IP phones that operate in the following manner (oversimplified):

  • Negotiate with DHCP for IP, DNS, TFTP, etc.
  • Look for SEPXXXXXXXXXXXX.cnf.xml configuration file on TFTP server where X is the MAC address of the phone
  • Parse the configuration file to load its configuration and update firmware (also stored on TFTP server) if necessary

The issue here is that I have some phones that need to be put in small offices or peoples' homes. I need to be able to update the configuration files at all times so I can't just preconfigure the phone and send it out. How can I make the TFTP access secure over the internet and prevent someone unauthorized from getting to the configuration files? I know I could do an IP based ACL but this doesn't stop the possibility of someone spoofing the IP.

Best Answer

You would make TFTP access over the internet secure the same way you'd make access to anything over the internet secure. By going through a VPN.

Cisco's IP phones can be set up to use a VPN, and someone even put together a handy doc around common issues with this setup that you might want to take a look at.