Security – How to one perform a man-in-the-middle attack over a wireless connection


I have recently setup a wireless network for a friend's business, and he asked me if there was any way someone could "hack" it. I assured him it would be extremely difficult once I setup a WPA2 key.

This got me thinking, how can I really be sure that no one could perform some type of hack? I know what types of hacks are out there, but I have no experience in actually performing them. I understand essentially what has to happen in order to perform, for example, a man-in-the-middle attack, but how does one actually fool a victim's ARP component into thinking that the attacker's machine is the gateway? This seems like it would require access to the victim's machine.

Best Answer

ARP poisoning is such a trivial thing to accomplish, it should scare most normal people away from wireless. Of course, you could ARP poison a wired network also, but in theory, your wired network isn't open to just anyone walking around in, or around, your building.

Have a look at Cain (one popular tool used in ARP poisoning)