Security – How to Protect Sensitive (HIPAA) SQL Server Standard Data and Log Files

hipaaSecuritysql serverwindows-server-2008-r2

I am dealing with electronic protected health information (ePHI or PHI) and HIPAA regulations require that only authorized users can access ePHI. Column-level encryption may be of value for some of the data, but I need the ability to do like searches on some of the PHI fields such as name.

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is a feature of SQL Server 2008 for encrypting database and log files. As I understand it this prevents someone who gains access to the MDF, LDF, or backup files from being able to do anything with the files because they are encrypted. TDE is only on enterprise and developer versions of SQL Server and enterprise is cost-prohibitive for my particular scenario. How can I get similar protection on SQL Server Standard? Is there a way to encrypt the database and backup files (is there a third-party tool)? Or just as good, is there a way to prevent the files from being used if the disk were attached to another machine (linux or windows)?

Administrator access to the files from the same machine is fine, but I just want to prevent any issues if the disk were removed and hooked up to another machine. What are some of the solutions for this that are out there?

Best Answer

The general suggestion for HIPAA is to follow the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), except everywhere they say "Cardholder Information" or "Account Information" you say "PHI". My company (Healthcare industry, dealing with PHI) uses the PCI-DSS as our primary starting point, along with a healthy dose of common sense (e.g. making sure the data STAYS encrypted (or confined to secure networks) at all times).

Column-level encryption of some kind is almost always a good idea when dealing with sensitive data, and given the potential cost of a lawsuit it's high up there with things to consider.