Security – How to run commands as “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM” under Windows Server 2008


I want to execute some commands with SYSTEM privileges on Windows Server 2008. I have Administrator privileges, of course. On the good old version of Windows without all the UAC BS this was as simple as:

at 15:48 /interactive cmd

And after a minute a command prompt would pop up, running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. But if I do this on Windows 2008 it tells me:

Warning: Due to security enhancements,
this task will run at the time
expected but not interactively. Use
schtasks.exe utility if interactive
task is required ('schtasks /?' for

I checked schtasks and it looks like that only gives you the ability to run a task interactively as the logged on user, which is not what I want. Of course, I could code and install a service that runs as SYSTEM, but what a hassle! Could anyone suggest an easier way?

I'm so sick of these hoops Microsoft is making me jump through just to do what I want to do on my system.

Best Answer

psexec /s [command]