Security – How to secure a public facing Remote Desktop Server

remote desktopSecurity

I am looking at needing to expose my Remote Desktop Server (Terminal Services) to be accessed from outside our network. Right now, it can only be accessed from inside our network.

I know it's easy enough to open up the firewall and forward the port.

However, how do I secure the machine itself and what are the best practices around this? My concern is hackers being able to work at breaking into it.

Any best practice guidelines/recommendations would be much appreciated.


Question about a product I found:

Filter Incoming RDP Connections by IP, MAC Address, Computer Name and More

Can anyone comment on the security of this? Looks like I could also use it to limit access by machine name/mac? Anyone else used it?

Best Answer

This may be more than what you're looking to do, but here's how we use RDP for remote users who aren't using VPN.

We recently started using the RD Gateway Manager with Remote Desktop Services, a role in Windows 2008. We have it setup to go through our TMG server and directly to a users machine. It uses NLA as mentioned above. The user connecting has to be a member of the right AD group, and a member of the right local group to be allowed access. Depending on how you want it setup, you can connect via a webpage which basiclly opens up mstsc and inputs the proxy setting for the RD Gateway, or you can set the settings on your machine manually so that each time you open it it attempts to go through that proxy. So far it has worked quite well and seems to be secure.