Security – How tosolate PCI Compliance


We currently process, but do not store, credit card data. We authorize the cards via a self developed application using the API.

If possible, we would like to limit all requirements of PCI that effect our servers (such as installing Anti-Virus) to an isolated separate environment. Is that possible to do while still maintaining compliance?

If so, what would constitute sufficent isolation? If not, is there somewhere where that scope is clearly defined?

Best Answer

The last time I read the PCI standards, they had the isolation requirements pretty well stated (the technical term in PCI language is to reduce the scope of the PCI compliant environment). So long as those flagrantly un-compliant servers have zero access to the compliant zone, it should fly. That would be a network segment that is fully firewalled from your normal network, and the rules on that firewall are themselves PCI-compliant.

We did much the same thing ourselves at my old job.

The key thing to keep in mind is that from the perspective of the PCI-compliant zone everything not in the zone is to be treated like the public Internet, no matter if it is also the same network that also warehouses your corporate IP. So long as you do that, you should be good.

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