Security – Is WEP used in conjunction with a wireless access list adequate security


I use a Netgear wireless router, with various wireless devices connecting to it. One of my wireless devices doesn't support WPA2 security, so I had to downgrade the security on the router to WEP.

We all know WEP is broken, so as an added measure I enabled a wireless access list on the router so that only devices with specified MAC addresses which are in my access list are permitted to connect to the router.

I know it is possible to spoof a MAC address from a device for the purposes of accessing a secure network like this. But is it easy? Is using WEP and a wireless access list good enough to prevent most hacking attacks? Or should I do whatever I can to ensure all devices support WPA2 in the future?

Best Answer


WEP is trivial to break. MAC addresses aren't secure. They can be trivially spoofed. Take a look at The six dumbest ways to secure a wireless LAN:

MAC filtering: This is like handing a security guard a pad of paper with a list of names. Then when someone comes up to the door and wants entry, the security guard looks at the person's name tag and compares it to his list of names and determines whether to open the door or not.