Security – Java 7 Server SE JRE installation


I want to install Java 7 Server SE JRE on a Windows server box. Reading through the instructions here:

It says to:
The Server JRE files are installed in a directory called jdk1.7.0_ in the current directory.

However, there's a lot of stuff in that tar file. I just want to use the jre folder right under jdk1.7.0_.

Can I just copy over /jdk1.7.0_/jre and it's subfolders? Are there any downstream impacts I should be aware of, in terms of security and performance? Or any other issues besides the loss of functionality?

Ultimately, I want to point Tomcat to jre/bin/server/jvm.dll.


Best Answer

The "Server JRE" tarball (I'm referring to this download) file is a complete JDK/JRE bundle, and as such, should go to its own directory. The tar file contains the top level directory, so if you simply unpack the file, you'll have a fully functional JDK/JRE.

So you shouldn't copy the contents to an existing JRE or JDK directory. Just unpack the file, and you're good to go.