Security – Linux: How to configure TCP wrappers in /etc/hosts.allow for manually started processes


An internal server in the company I work for has been compromised and I would like to harden CentOS machines in the organization in order to avoid any future incidents so I've been reading about securing your CentOS machine and I've came across all kinds of ways to secure your OS.

We're not using SELinux or IPtables within the domain.

One thing I plan on doing is to limit access to servers within the domain to specific services by using TCP wrappers (editing /etc/hosts.allow/ and hosts.deny).

From CentOS official documentation site:

Using TCP Wrappers

TCP wrappers can provide a quick and easy method for controlling
access to applications linked to them. Examples of TCP Wrapper aware
applications are sshd, and portmap. A restrictive example is below.
This example blocks everything but ssh.

echo "ALL:ALL" >> /etc/hosts.deny

echo "sshd:ALL" >> /etc/hosts.allow

My question is:

I need the server to be able to serve requests on ports:

1099 (Java RMI) 
5666 (NRPE)
22 (SSH)

Java RMI is started manually and not by a daemon and it is specified correctly in /etc/services:

[root@srv4 scripts]# grep 1099 /etc/services
rmiregistry 1099/tcp            # RMI Registry

In addition, NRPE is configured to work under xinetd rather than a manual daemon

So how would my hosts.allow lines would look like?

Best Answer

The CentOS 5 docs have a good write up for for xinetd*. Something like




xinetd: ALL

should allow all hosts in and deny access to everything else for processes controlled by xinetd. Order is important, the files are scanned in the order allow, deny and the first match wins.

A quick look at the output of ldd /usr/bin/java shows that java isn't libwrap aware so you can't use tcpwrappers directly with it. Perhaps wrapping it in xinetd will work.

You should definitely consider internal firewalls and SELinux too as these will help limit lateral movement after a compromise.

*There may be one for later versions too but it's unlikely to be much different