Security – Log invalid login attempts – htpasswd


I have password protected my /www root using a .htaccess and .htpasswd file and now I was wondering if it is possible to login invalid authentication attempts. My first though was that both successful and invalid attempts, including supplied password would be logged into /var/log/apache2/error_log but it seems like only the username is logged into this file.

My server is running apache 2.2.21 on osx 10.7.4.

Best Answer

Why do you want to do this? As mricon has noted, logging passwords in clear text is highly discouraged, even for debugging.

mod_security might be used in a way that fits your whishes, by logging HTTP headers. Passwords aren't transmitted in clear text by the browser though, so you must decode the Base64 encoded sequence.

See directives SecAuditLog and SecAuditLogParts here.

Perhaps this is more fitting for your goals: Protect HTTP Auth from brute force attacks

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