Security – looking for wifi router with restricted access to LAN


I need to set up a separate Wifi network for guests, and am looking for a decent router which can be part of the LAN but restrict access so that it can only route to the gateway/WLAN.

Are there any wifi routers which can do this out of the box? I'd rather not use customized WRT-54s, or custom hotspot software, as I do not require logon pages/password generators or any advanced functions, just static setup, but with no access to the LAN!

Best Answer

It is your lan's business to protect itself from your wireless router, not your wireless router's job to protect your lan.

Depending on the size of your site --

hang the AP off of an interface on your firewall

configure an isolated vlan and connect the APs to that vlan, then connect that vlan to your firewall.

Now, configure your firewall to allow that network to access the internet but not the internal network.

Lastly, if you don't want to set that up, go buy yourself a netscreen 5gt-221 with wireless built in. Later, if you decide you need more APs, you can connect those to an interface on the netscreen.