Security – private IP reverse DNS on public Server – A bad idea


This question somewhat relates to Another question but the other way around.

We use one domain with hostnames that resolve to public and hostnames that relsolve to private IPs. I agree to the answer to the aforementioned question that I don't see this as a security thread. Especially relative to the afford of configuring and running an Split-Brain-DNS for this important domain.

Therefore we decided that we will not host internal DNS Servers and therefore won't have reverse DNS for internal IPs. Now I found out that I can register the domain '' with our DNS provider. So I could in theory host my reverse DNS zone there. I could configure the local caching DNS Servers on all sites to lookup requests for on that server and would have reverse DNS working + the API and interface of our DNS provider.

On the other side that is a public DNS server. So everyone asking it for e.g. would get our local hostname as response.

Do you think this is a bad idea aside from the aforementioned information leakage that we are willing to accept.

Best Answer

It's not a problem.

Any normal search for will follow the normal chain down from the root and end up at IANA's blackhole name servers. So the only queries for that name that should reach your servers are those specifically and deliberately sent there. If someone gets a problem because of that, they have only themselves to blame.