Intrusion Detection – Recommend an IDS/IPS and Are They Worth It?


I have tried out various network-based IDS and IPS systems throughout the years and have never been happy with the results. Either the systems were too difficult to manage, only triggered on well-known exploits based on old signatures, or were simply too chatty with the output.

In any case, I don't feel they provided real protection for our network. In some instances, they were harmful due to dropping valid connections or just plain failing.

In the past few years, I am sure things have changed, so what are the recommended IDS systems these days? Do they have heuristics that work and don't alert on legitimate traffic?

Or, is it just better to rely on good firewalls and hardened hosts?

If you recommend a system, how do you know it's doing its job?

As some have mentioned in the answers below, let's also get some feedback on host intrusion detection systems as they are closely related to network-based IDS.

For our current setup, we would need to monitor two separate networks with a total bandwidth of 50mbps. I am looking for some real-world feedback here, not a list of devices or services capable doing IDS.

Best Answer

Several years ago I reviewed several intrusion prevention systems .

I wanted to deploy something between a couple of locations and the corporate network.
The system was to provide an easy to manage and monitor (something that could be handed off to a second tier help desk person). Automated alarming and reporting were also needed.

The system that I ended up choosing was the IPS from Tipping Point. We still like it after being in place for several years. Our implementation includes the subscription to their Digital Vaccine, which pushes out vulnerability and exploit rules weekly.

The system has been very useful to watch what is going on (alert but take no action) as well as automatically block or quarantine systems.

This ended up being a very useful tool for locating and isolating malware infected computers as well as blocking bandwidth hogging or security policy related traffic without having to work with router access control lists.