Security – semodule_package Command Not Found


Hello im trying to install MongoDB on CentOS7. It says there to configure SELInux, which i followed.
On the third step, it says to execute the following;

checkmodule -M -m -o mongodb_cgroup_memory.mod mongodb_cgroup_memory.te
semodule_package -o mongodb_cgroup_memory.pp -m mongodb_cgroup_memory.mod
sudo semodule -i mongodb_cgroup_memory.pp

On the second command, an error is ouputted;

[root@localhost ~]# semodule_package -o mongodb_cgroup_memory.pp -m mongodb_cgroup_memory.mod
-bash: semodule_package: command not found

Now, im still looking for the correct package to install. I have already install policycoreutils-2.5-33.el7.x86_64 and checkpolicy-2.5-8.el7.x86_64 Still, semodule_package command is not found.

Anyone knows what package to install to have the semodule_package command?

Here is my OS information

  • CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

Best Answer

According to yum whatprovides */semodule_package you would need to install policycoreutils-python package.