Security – Server hacked for SPAM, The BAT in X-Mailer


Our server has been hacked and I am trying to track down the cause. The server is being for SPAM purposes and it looks like IIS is being using to send the emails as the badmail and queue folder are full to bursting. The emails being sent have hte x-Mailer header set to "The Bat!", any ideas of things I can check for? I've checked the most common incoming ports (0-1055 and only HTTP / HTTPS) are open.

Best Answer

Hire a professional if it's important to find the cause as it could be anything. Pull the network plug, wipe and reload the server as soon as possible - pull the plug instantly if a pristine state for investigation isn't absolutely needed.

Beside the obvious spam, it's impossible to tell what other things like root kits are installed or what communication is really going on from the server to the outside world buried miles deep in anything from dns requests to whatnot.

Inbound open ports aren't usually the attack vector these days but if there's a vulnerability in that version of IIS or whatever is listening on those smtp and http ports then that could easily be it. Patch management problems and weaker internal security like easily compromised workstations with network access to the server seems like other likely causes.

From first wikipedia search result about the header:

Many spam messages do have the X-Mailer header field set to The Bat!, but this is because it is one of the default settings in the Advanced Mass Sender program, which is frequently used for sending spam mail.