Security – Supermicro IPMI BMC security – how to disable HTTP


On my Supermicro Server, using a H8SCM motherboard, I have an IPMI card.

The IPMI card is version 2.0 and it is running the 2.37 firmware.

The problem I have is that I find no feasible way to disable port 80 (HTTP access).

As user ADMIN…

Through the Web Interface, I can only change the port (1-65535)
Through the SSH login, I have no access to any relative or interesting information whatsoever
Through the ipmitool, I can only change setting relative to SOL
Through the patched SuperMicro ipmitool, there is no setting available

Am I missing something, or has Supermicro left a gaping security hole allowing plaintext password transmission???

Best Answer

Supermicro IPMI BMCs are extremely useful, but they are not engineered for security. I recommend keeping IPMI on a separate interface/VLAN. Even if you are able to disable port 80, it is highly likely that there are undocumented remote exploit vulnerabilities.