Security – Thoughts on MPM-ITK


I have several sites on my server set up as virtual hosts. What are your thoughts on MPM-ITK?

Are the tradeoffs and the potential root exploit vulnerability worth the security of internal system files?

Best Answer

I use mpm-itk on a personal web server that serves approximately 20 sites for a few friends. I've never run into an issue with it.

Another module that works similarly is mod_suexec (

Both modules will allow you to run packaged applications like Drupal and Wordpress without any problems. You might run into some odd issues on weird custom code -- I think (did not confirm this) that both modules execute PHP processes in a similar manner as a CGI script.

Regarding the comment about scalability, mod_suexec is a standard option for cPanel. I have seen it run on servers hosting hundreds of sites.

If you run a dedicated server and have control over all sites hosted, then you really don't have a reason to use either of these modules. However, if you have different users running their own sites, my opinion is to use one of these modules.