Security – To DMZ or not-DMZ on new web site server

We are about to release a web application for our users, and are trying to figure out if others put their servers in a DMZ, or just keep it off the domain behind the firewall and greatly restrict access via firewall rules? Has anyone here found any cons to just restricting access via firewall rules and O/S perms?

Note that this site is an ASP.NET MVC front-end with SQL Server back-end.

Also – this is an HR/Finance application, and the database back-end contains our most valuable data. From a security perspective, I'd rather give the world root access to intranet than allow access to the database server. As a result, my original plan was to skip using a DMZ and only opening up port 443 on the firewall to the web server … this seemed no worse than putting the db server on the DMZ with the web server.

Best Answer

Typically, the configuration is like this:

Internet facing servers connected to Firewall's DMZ Port
Trusted servers (SQL, AD, etc) connected to Firewall's Trusted/LAN Port
Internet connected to Firewall's WAN port

Then, the Firewall is configured to route between those subnets, and allow access according to the ACLs you define.