Security – Use .htaccess to block *All* access to specific folders


I am not sure how to do this, but I want to block all access to a specific set of folders on my web server. Say secret01 and secret 02…

  |- data
  |- www
  |   |- .htaccess (file)
  |   |- images
  |   |- js
  |   |- secret01
  |   |- secret02
  |   |...

What rule(s) do I need to add to my root .htaccess file to do this? I want all access from the web blocked from going into these folders, period. Only way one could get to them would be over SFTP or SSH. So what rule am I looking for? I am preferably looking for a one-liner so I can add more folders or move it to another site down the road. I really would prefer if the rule could be placed in the .htaccess root file so I don't have to jump all over the place to lock and unlock folders.

= Update for Clarity =

I do not have access to the conf file for this host (it is in a shared environment) and I need to have these folders inside the webroot for a few shell purposes. If I could I would have already moved them up out of the webroot.

I also don't want to screw with the file permissions, just have a rule in my .htaccess that blocks web traffic from accessing a folder or set of folders.

Best Answer

You can just create a .htaccess with


for the folders (put the file it in those).

Also with mod_rewrite on www/.htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(secret1|secret2|asdf) - [F,L]