Sed insert from file.txt to multi files


I've this sed & find command

find /home/www/ -name footer.php -exec sed -i 's/<\/body>/testmoe\n<\/body>/'

what I need to replace testmoe with data in file.txt so its gona be ,

find /home/www/ -name footer.php -exec sed -i 's/<\/body>/file.txt\n<\/body>/'

any suggestion to correct my command

Best Answer

To improve a little on @Iain's answer, I think you can do it in just one pass like this:

sed -i '/<\/body/ {
    r /path/to/file
    a </body>
}' $1

This searches for </body>, inserts the file into the buffer, appends </body> to the buffer, and then deletes the original </body>, which as Iain correctly pointed out can't be moved.

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