Selecting primary Internet connection in Windows XP


There is a computer that has access to the Internet both via the local network and by a GSM modem. As far as I know, when both connections are active, the modem connection is the primary one and all data is transmitted by the modem.

Because of the fact that the slow modem connection is supposed to be used as a backup connection, I want Windows to use it only when the connection via LAN is unavailable. At the same time I want the GSM modem connection to be active constantly.

Is it possible to make Windows not use modem connection when there is a working LAN Internet connection?

Thanks for your help in advance,


Best Answer

For XP go to control panel and open network connetions. From the top file menu select advanced and then advanced setting from the Menu. You should see a box as below.

alt text

If your local Area Connection is above the [remote access connections} then Windows should access the LAN connection first.

You may also want to check the Provider Order.

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