Selinux: Managing ports; Semanage command not found


I'm having trouble configuring SELinux to allow sending mail.

Reading the SELinux documentation I've found I can manage ports via the semanage command, but the command can't be found.

Is there another way to manage ports using SELinux, or a way for me to find this command? Worst case: Is there a way to disable SELinux, or switch to permissive mode without rebooting?

I'm running Fedora.


Best Answer

SELinux is a complicated beast I have managed to avoid so far (it's on the todo list somewhere!). However the one command most sysadmins will learn is the one to disable it:

setenforce 0

You can then use this command to check the status of SELinux:


A quick google turned up this page on the subject of installing semanage, looks pretty simple.