SELinux Preventing Apache Start


When running in strict mode, SELinux would not let me start HTTPD since my module was copied from an external server.

I copied externally since I couldn't find the package to install it.

But, now, in order to run HTTPD, I need to put SELinux in Permissive mode.

I read on the wiki that I could add a custom policy to allow this to be used.

Is this the recommended way so that I can use my external file?

Best Answer

List the current security context of the file:

# ls -lrtZ /full/path/to/

Compare the output with the expected context for that path:

# matchpathcon /full/path/to/

Restore the expected security context of the file:

# restorecon -v /full/path/to/

Restart the web server and check for new AVC denials:

# ausearch -m avc -ts recent
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