Send an email with an attached file using telnet or netcat


I often use telnet or netcat to connect smtp servers to send an email as a test.

Does anyone know how you would send an email using telnet or netcat but attach a file as well? There are probably better ways, but I still want to know 🙂

I would be happy with a solution that uses a little bash shell to accomplish the goal, but don't want to use any other tools…

Best Answer

Okay, so using everyone's comments as a starting point I came up with this silly mess :-) ...

    sleep 5; 
    echo 'ehlo';
    sleep 3;
    echo 'MAIL FROM:<>';
    sleep 3; 
    echo 'RCPT TO: <>';
    sleep 3;
    echo 'DATA';
    sleep 3;
    echo -e '\nMIME-Version: 1.0 (mime-construct 1.9)\nContent-Type: application/zip\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n';
    dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4 count=10 2>/dev/null | openssl base64;
    echo '.';
} | telnet 25