Sensu delete a check from clients


I created a test check and now I want it deleted. It doesn't seem to go away from the clients. I'm using uchima as a frontend and the check is no longer listed in


But if I view a client it still has the check.

The only way I found to delete the check is to delete the node and let it re-add itself. I have 300 clients and I'd rather not do that.

Best Answer

So recently encountered an issue where we deployed some sensu checks via ansible and they recreated existing checks with incorrect names. There would be nothing wrong with letting this go except it looks bad in the uchiwa interface. I followed steps above, but they must have been from an outdated version of sensu. Here are the modified steps I did to remove these checks.

  • Log in to Redis CLI redis-cli
  • Execute keys *server_name* to list all checks related to the server in question
  • type smembers result:server_name
  • srem result:server_name check_to_remove
  • del history:server_name:check_to_remove result:server_name:check_to_remove

This should remove the check completely from Redis, and then from sensu.