Server 2008 R2 Network Discovery mis-identifying public connection as domain connection


I have a Server 2008 R2 Enterprise server with 4 NICs. 2 are teamed for LAN 2 are teamed for WAN. This server has the Active Directory Domain Services, DNS and RRAS roles installed.

It seems that Windows is detecting the public (WAN) connection is a Domain Connection.

Is there anyway to change this to be a public connection and not domain?

Best Answer

A DC shouldn't be multihomed (= placed on two different networks at the same time), because this could mess up quite some things unless you can deal properly with DNS registrations and some other settings; and, even in this case, it could mess up some things anyway.

That said, placing it on a public network looks even a worse choice than simply multihoming it...

What is the specific reason for this setup?

About your problem: I don't think there's a way to solve that, other than manually configuring Windows Firewall to block everything you don't need on the public side and allow everything you need on the private side; Windows really doesn't have any way to read your mind and say "hey, this is my private network and this is a public one I shouldn't trust": it's a domain controller, obviously any network connections it could have has to be a domain one. After all, you could very well be creating a domain on a set of public IP addresses, couldn't you?

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