Server 2012 (R2) – mirroring the boot drive… what is the state


I struggle to find modern documentation here.

So far we have been booting our servers from the main RAID controllers. Worked nice, but not we get the first of a new generation that hs in the back 2 slots for SATA hard discs, meant to be used as local boot systems. This is not bad – factually – as it means we dont ahve to waste precious SAS slots for that.

Last time I tried redundancy with the windows OS levels was a long time ago – likely around 2003. At that time it was tricky, one had to manually install an MBV on the second drive.

So, assuming I have 2 SATA discs that I Want to use as (windows OS system functionality using) mirror drives. What are the steps to do that?

I see:
* Convert discs to dynamic discs.
* Create mirrr for the boot partition and the "System Reserved" partition.

Anything else needed? Or will windows automatically install a MBR on the mirror disc?

I Tried my google fu, but it is failing – alos artially because most references are either for UEFI issus (We dont ahve UEFI) or for older versions (2003, 2008).

If anyone wants to warn me from this – please give me reasons. THe mobo also has raid (SP5100, AMD, some Adaptec stuff on board) but I seriously consider avoiding that – also because the last drivers I could find where for longhorn… and now we move to 2012 R2…

Best Answer

I know its a old post, but here is the official MCS white paper how to create a mirror for boot drives.