Server 2012 windows update stuck forever


I have a problem with Windows Server 2012 (NON R2).
Basically, svchost/wuauserv is stuck using 100% of 1 core (and 2GB RAM), indefinitely.

I tried pretty much everything I found online:

  • Made sure there is enough diskspace (8GB now)
  • Used Reset tools like ResetWUEng.cmd and Reset-WindowsUpdate.ps1
  • Did a:
    • "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth"
    • sfc /scannow
    • cd C:\Windows\System32\wbem\AutoRecover -> for /f %s in ('dir /b *.mof *.mfl') do mofcomp %s"
  • Used WindowsUpdateDiagnostic.diagcab
  • Tried WSUS offline (also hangs)
  • Set windows update to never update
  • Restarting VM, Restarting windows update service
  • Left it overnight
  • Manually installed latest monthly rollup (Februari 2019). This installed, but windows update still uses 25% (1 core) CPU indefinitely

I searched everywhere and I don't know what to do except for reinstall windows. At this point I just want to know what the problem is.

In the log file, lots of:

DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL for file dg0p1ABxh70WB2HQnGtmAKWoQkk= when file has not been previously added to the datastore


Best Answer

For anyone reading this: I finally solved the problem. After searching hundreds of topics I found someone who said disabling "desktop experience" solved his problems. I didn't understand why this would be related but I tried it anyway and lo and behold - it found 3 updates after 5min of searching. After restart, it now says "Your PC is up to date" - also after around only 5mins.

I have no idea why this solved it - we have some other server 2012 machines that have it enabled without problems.

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