Server 2016 – update reboots


We have recently started to install Server 2016, and seem to be hitting the 'we're going to reboot this server when we feel like it' brick wall. With preview five this was easily rectified using the group policy to configure automatic updates and setting to '3 Auto download and notify for install' – then, after installing the updates it would patiently wait for a manual reboot, with a big red notice 'Some settings are managed by your organisation.'

This doesn't have any effect with the release version and we get the ominous 'Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours' message – active hours are all hours except the Saturday after patch Tuesday when we have notified our customers to expect scheduled maintenance…

Is there a new trick I'm missing?


Best Answer

Seems like the only answer is to disable ‘Reboot’ in Task Scheduler UpdateOrchestrator and rename the Reboot file to prevent Windows re-enabling the schedule again… It would be bad enough having a desktop rebooting of it’s own accord – but a server??