Server failed, can I retrieve the database from the the hard disk


I have an old server running Windows Server 2003 R2. Windows got corrupted due to an improper shutdown. I attempted to repair the Windows installation, but it made things worse (it gets to the desktop, but there is no start menu and most of the start menu items are missing). I cannot run any programs and Windows claims that the applications must be reinstalled.

Anyways, this server is old and we have a newer server that has taken over 90% of the duties of this server except for hosting a database. A backup of the database was used to get it started on the new server, but it is about one day old. Unfortunately, all the inventory data was entered between the last backup and when the server failed and that is a lot of information to re-enter.

Is there a way to retrieve the database information straight from the hard disk (by plugging it into another computer to read from)? The database was being managed by MS SQL Server 2008. I've use a third party SQL backup tool and MS SQL Server Management on the machine itself and it won't load the application (complains about missing core Windows and .Net files). Re-running the windows setup has been useless resulting in the same gimped desktop.

Best Answer

I would try to copy the database file(s) off that hard drive onto another computer running MS SQL 2008 and see if the file is accessible. It sounds like some Windows files are corrupted but that doesn't mean your database file is. This information might be helpful: