DNS Configuration – Non-Chinese Domain Pointing to Server in China


I'm working for a startup and we're expanding into mainland China, hosting client data in a Chinese datacenter through a partner company in China. We have a website and backend API that mobile apps talk to.

Here's the thing:

Let's say we operate example.com, which is registered in the US. We use Route53 DNS to do geo-DNS, so that customers in China are automatically sent to an IP in the Chinese datacenter when asking for example.com. The Chinese IP resolves to a Chinese domain in reverse DNS.

Now our partner in China is telling us that we can't have example.com forward-DNS resolve to the IP in China. They say that a non-Chinese domain may not be served by an IP in mainland China. Is this true?

If so, what are workarounds?

I'm guessing it wouldn't be enough to just use CNAME so that srv55.example.com -> srv55.example.cn, because the DNS request would still be for srv55.example.com. Is the only solution to modify our applications / mobile app that if a phone is in China, it talks to example.cn while outside China it talks to example.com?

Best Answer

Use your route53 account to route/url rewrite the Chinese IP to the Chinese domain name ?

srv55.example.com >> srv55.example.cn >> Chinese IP

Ref: Is there a way to redirect a domain to another domain using Amazon S3 and Amazon Route 53?

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