Server is extremely slow


I came back from the weekend and this old IBM Netfinity 5100 server is extremely slow.

It's running Windows 2003 standard, has been working great for years.

Today it took about 4 hours to boot up. Once in Windows, it takes minutes to pull up menus.

I ran some tests and I am getting a bunch of errors from the raid system. I did a test on each logical drive, all of them are fine. The tests say the raid configuration is fine.

Can any of you point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

Disk problems usually leads to insane timeouts and performance problems, even if they do not report a problem (ie the error-checking manages to get by the faults but it takes so long it slows down the system while it retries operations before giving up)... but as pauska mentioned, perhaps there's even a degraded array there? (though it shouldn't be that much slower to the host OS normally).