Server unable to browse shares on itself


Having a rather weird issue with our 2008 Domain Controller

When on the server itself and attempting to browse via explorer to \\server or \\ we get an error message saying : "\\SERVER is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. The specified network provider name is invalid" the same issue occurs when attempting to browse FROM the server TO a PC on the domain.

However, when going via the start menu, we get the error "\\SERVER The network is not present or not started" and if attempting to browse to \\SERVER\Netlogon we get the error "Windows cannot access \\SERVER\Netlogon Error Code: 0x80070002 (or 0x80004005 when going via explorer to \\SERVER\NETLOGON)

Even though we are having these issues FROM the server, what is also odd is that from any PC on the network you are able to browse to \\SERVER with no issues. To make things even more peculiar when going through cmd, and typing the command "dir \\SERVER\NETLOGON" it will give you a result with the correct files.

Also, while using cmd I have tried the command "net use I: \\Server\Netlogon" and we are getting the error message "The Workstation Service has not been started" but we have confirmed it in fact is.

Finally; for the purposes of testing, we have disabled the firewall, Anti-Virus, and confirmed that services appear to be running correctly. As well as a SFC (just to be sure)

Any insight anyone has on this issue would be much appreciated!
Thanks guys.
P.s apologies if double backslashes are not coming up correctly in the above.

Best Answer

thanks for the help, but the issue ended up being that there was a Symantec Firewall Driver installed on the NIC. After removing the driver, and turning off and back on file sharing on the LAN connection, it's all working!