Server unresponsive and conhost.exe high cpu (even in safe mode)


Having a bit of a server problem. As of this morning, one of our servers started becoming unresponsive. I was unable to remote desktop (it times out when "waiting for user profile service") in to check so had to use vnc (it's on a cloud and vnc connects straight through) and found conhost.exe was using a lot of cpu. After closing all console programs and everything non essential, this process was still running and using all the cpu.

I restarted the machine in safe mode and found that the same symptoms are happening – the server is unresponsive and conhost.exe is using 50% cpu. Below is a screenshot of the current running processes – as you can see, nothing out of the ordinary is running. The only things that have happened to the server was the install of SP1 (which we did just now to try and fix it) and the moving of a site onto it (since moved back as this one clearly has issues!). You can't shut the machine down or kill any processes as it just hangs. I couldn't even run msconfig to disable anything!

Turns out i can't post images so here is a link to the screenshot

Any one experienced anything like this before and if so, what did you do to fix it? This server needs to be up and running as it hosts our company crm and I have run out of ideas!

The server is running Windows 2008r2 x64, IIS7.5 everything is up-to-date

Any help is greatly appreciated!



Best Answer

That conhost.exe is a system process used to manage console windows, so having it running means something is working in a command prompt; there usually is also a cmd.exe around. That makecab.exe is probably the culprit, as that's a command-line utility for (guess what) creating .CAB files; the fact that it is running, and even more the fact that it is running in the SYSTEM context looks quite wrong to me.

My first guess would be your server caught some virus/malware.