Serving Node.JS app on a existing server running page on port 80


I have a server at running a PHP-made webpage served by Apache, this page is listening to port 80.

Now I want to serve my Node.JS on the domain Both pages should be on the same server, the Node.JS app should be running on port 3000. How do I achieve this?

From other answers and blog posts (like this one: I have learnt that I can create a ReverseProxy to redirect to my app, however this is not the intended behavior. What I want is this new domain to go the server's ip address at port 3000.

Side question: This question might sound stupid but, can't I redirect the whole domain to the server's IP address at port 3000 from the domain name configuration at GoDaddy/Route53???


Best Answer

I solved it. The page on the original question gives a good advice however it doesn't seems complete. To achieve this configuration do the following:

-Locate the file httpd.conf on your Apache folders (usually on apache2/conf).

-Add the following lines to the end:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/

-Change the placeholder "example2" for your actual domain name (example2 is the domain name on the original question)

-Restart apache.

Note that you might want to tidy the code a little bit by moving the LoadModule lines to where the modules are actually loaded.

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