Set up websocket server on Amazon Linux AMI using Node.js

amazon ec2node.jssocket

I have been having issues for a few days trying to set up a simple websocket server on an Amazon EC2 instance. I am using a micro instance of Linux. After booting up for the first time, I updated all OS packages, followed this great guide for getting node and npm installed, installed, express (not currently using), and which includes the websocket-server by miksago.

First, my attempts with as the backend. I set up a simple server using the sample code from their website, listed below. I run this with sudo node server.js. I use sudo so that I can listen on port 80, errors result otherwise. From here, I put my amazon public DNS into the location field at the echo test. When I press connect, my server will output debug - destroying upgrade. I have a console output within the "connection" listener that never gets printed, so it seems that there is an error before the connection request gets through. It may be that I have to use client side for a server to work, but I could not find any definitive answer on that.

My second attempt was using websocket-server by Miksago. I'll list the source for the server below as well. This time, I was able to see that console output on the connection request, but a connection was still not established. I tried printing the connection.header object but received an error.

I'm trying to set up a simple server just to get the basics going and I haven't been able to pin down what the issue is. I'm using to test the server since their client is set up correctly. What am I doing wrong setting up the server? server
var io = require('').listen(80);

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  console.log("Connection request on server");

var ws = require("websocket-server");

var server = ws.createServer();

server.addListener("connection", function(connection){
  console.log("Connection request on Websocket-Server");


Edit: Debug output from node-websocket-server. This is a snippet of the output from console.log(connection._req); The information looks right, but the server is simply not establishing the connection.

httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
 { upgrade: 'websocket',
   connection: 'Upgrade',
   host: '',
   origin: '',
   'sec-websocket-key': 'HdgJaiL2TZ4iyOHTarmlig==',
   'sec-websocket-version': '13' },
trailers: {},
readable: true,
url: '/',
method: 'GET',
statusCode: null,

Edit2: Use as a websocket server on Node.js. It works without needing client side js files, and is more up to date with spec. It is available through npm and git.

Best Answer

According to this StackOverflow question, you must use's client-side code. Using's client-side code is going to give you this error.