Setting affinity on windows server 2003


I have a program that by default only runs on one CPU. I have tried using the start /affinity x notepad.exe batch command but i can't get it to run my program. it changes the title of the command line window but doesn't execute the program. this start command does work for notepad so it might just be a problem with the software. I have set the affinity manually via task manager so i know it works.

I am not the programmer of this software so changing that is not an option.

Update: I got it to run the program now. I added the exit command to the end of my batch script. Now i need to know how the /affinity flag works. I can't seem to get it to use 4 cpu'.

Update 2: so i finally figured out that the /affinity flag expects a hexadecimal number. I can now set the affinity correctly for notepad but still can't set it for the software i am using. Could it be that the software just doesn't support multi-threading?

Best Answer

It is bitwise so convert binary to decimal. Eg. 0001 = 1 = cpu1, 1000 = 8 = cpu4, 1111 = 15 = all four cpus

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