Setting alias for DynDNS domain


I've created DynDNS domain for testing my local sites, and i'm having trouble with pointing to root domain.

From my registrar (GoDaddy) I've created a CNAME for www to point my

so going to url I'm reaching my site.

But if I'm going to I'm reaching to the IP of the A record. I can't set the IP for the A record to be my IP because I have dynamic IP, and it changes constatly, and I can't point the A record to domain, only IP.

When trying to create CNAME record @ to point I'm getting error "A record of a different type exists for the hostname @, could not create CNAME"

The only record using the '@' host are NS record, which I can't delete, and when tried to set another NS record with @ point to, I've lost connection to my site 🙂

So what can I do to get url reach my site?


Best Answer

What's the point of registering a domain with DynDNS if you're not going to use their dynamic DNS service? What you're trying to do is possible by moving your name servers to DynDNS.

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