Setting FQDN with external domain name


I have a Centos 7 server which has tens of domain names and IPs.

The IP addresses are pointing to my server.

Each domain name is pointing to its own IP via A record.

I want to configure my FQDN in order to install Postfix.

/etc/hostname contains myproject.localdomain

/etc/hosts contains:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

Command hostname returns:


hostname -f returns:


domainname returns (none)

Do I have to choose a real domain purchased and prepend to it the hostname like this:

ip    hotname.domainame    hostname

Best Answer

Method 1)

You do not define your server's hostname or FQDN using the /etc/hosts file

You could edit /etc/hostname file and fill in your hostname and save the file. That would be just a part of the process

Then on CentOS 7 you have hostnamectl command:

hostnamectl set-hostname host.domain.tld --static

Method 2)

Use nmtui tool by issuing nmtui on a ssh console or directly to the server's console. Select Edit a Connection then go go down with the arrow keys and select Set system hostname and there you set the hostname.