Setting Out of Office message for someone else


On occasion, a member of our team calls in sick and is either unwilling, or unable, to set their Out of Office message in Exchange.

What we've done in the past is just reset that user's password, give it to their manager, and have the manager set the Out of Office message. At other times, managers have kept spreadsheets containing users' passwords (without IT's knowledge!) so that they don't have to involve us at all.

We're thinking there has to be a better way…and that we can't possibly be the first organization to have this problem.

What are some ways you guys have solved this problem?

Best Answer

There is no way to do it from the Exchange system Manager, but you can give yourself FULL access to their mailbox, and the profile, and do it that way. Then you don't have to change the password. As Kara pointed out, instead of the profile, if you have outlook web access enabled (OWA), you can use that.

Please first go into ADUC (Active Directory Users and Computers), expand the domain, locate the Users, in the right panel, find the user that you need to set the Out Of Office.

Right click it, in the Exchange Advanced tab, click Mailbox Rights, confirm your account has the rights for read permissions and full mailbox access. Then click OK.

After that, please open Control Panel, locate Mail icon, double click it, click Show Profiles button, click Add button, then follow the wizard to create the user profile. When you are prompted to input the user account and password, please input your account and password instead of the user profile itself.
