Setting Shoretel phone time correctly with dhcpd


Our Shoretel 230 phones are not picking up time service correctly and thus, the time on the display is wrong. When I go to the diagnostics of the phone, they are using a wrong time server (old).

Here is the top scope of my dhcpd.conf. The instructions for Shoretel only are given for using Windows Server DHCP server – but I have found others online that have used dhcpd for use with Shoretel phones. The phones pick up the ftp server just fine – but don't seem to grab the NTP server. Any clues below to what I might have configured wrong?

ddns-update-style none;
deny bootp;
option wpad code 252 = text;
option ntp-servers,,,;
option shoretel-server code 156 = string;
option shoretel-server "ftpservers=192.168.**.***";

Best Answer

If the NTP server was set manually on the phone at some point, then DHCP will not overwrite that setting. Probably clearing that value on the phone will solve the problem. Alternatively, look in your ftproot directory on your ShoreTel server for a file called shore_xxxxxxxxxxxx.txt, where the x's match the MAC of the phone. Open it up in notepad and remove the line referencing the incorrect NTP server.

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