Setting up a web server on a virtual machine viewable from the host and all other vms running on the host


I have set up an Apache web server on a windows 7 ultimate VM guest machine. This machine also has all the software I need to develop server-side scripts (aptana, VS 2008 etc)

The VM is bridged with its own ip address and the apache server is listening on port 80

http://localhost and http://localhost:80 both work on the guest VM – so the apache server is working OK

However, I cannot access the webserver from the host machine (ip address , nor any other VM on the host machine that are also networked with a bridge

How can I set things up so the host and all other VMs on the host can see the web server?

From a browser in the host I have tried

but with no luck

EDIT: Also accessing from a browser on works also

Best Answer

Check to see if a firewall rule needs to be created. To test, turn the firewall off entirely (but don't leave it that way).