Setting up IIS 7 to match a Godaddy shared hosting plan


I host multiple domains on a GoDaddy shared hosting account. I would like to setup a website locally in IIS 7 that mimics the setup of my hosted account so that I can test and debug applications locally before deploying, as debugging after deploying, or discovering there are issues after deploying is frustrating.

I have created a folder WebRoot, at put my main application in that folder. I created a website in IIS 7 and pointed it at that folder. I setup bindings with a fake domain, and created a matching entry in my hosts file to make the fake domain point at my I then created a folder under webroot. I then created an application underneath my website, and pointed it at this folder. I can't find how I can add bindings to the web application to have it referenced as a different fake domain, rather than a subdirectory under my root domain.

What would be the proper way to setup IIS to best simulate the environment on the GoDaddy servers.

Best Answer

Bindings can only be done at site level. They cannot be done at application or folder level.

You have two options:

  1. Create a 2nd IIS site, bind it to your 2nd fake domain, and configure the application in there

  2. Add a 2nd binding to your existing website for your 2nd domain name. Then the site will respond on both domains. You can then use some server-side (or even javascript) code to redirect/reject queries that come in on the domain you don't want.

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