Setting up SMTP in IIS6


I'm used to using IIS6 for administering websites but this is my first time using it as a mail server.

I've got the POP3 service working fine and I can get incoming mail without any problems. What I'm trying to do is use the SMTP server for outgoing mail from my phone but I'm not sure that I'm being very safe here.

The only way to get it to work so far was to turn on Relay for all computers and anonymous access. I'm worried that this means I'm wide open and just anyone could send spam through my SMTP server. It seems to be that I could turn on Basic authentication and turn the Relay back off to just computers that successfully authenticate. My only problem with that is, won't someone be able to sniff my passwords? It says that it will be sent clear text.

The only things I found via googling were how to change the settings but not necessarily what I should be doing.

Best Answer

This guide has all you ever needed (or wanted) to know about SMTP in IIS 6. Expand the selections on the left and look at the SMTP Security subject in particular.

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