Setting Up Win2008 R2 Server – IIS_IUSRS Permissions


I am setting up a web server and notice out the box it gives IIS_IUSRS read & execute (and as a result list folder contents) permissions on the wwwroot. I'm trying to make sure its secure as possible, and just wondering if its ok to leave that?

On my last server (Win2003) I only gave 'read' permissions to users on the wwwroot and then manually added the write / execute permissions on folders as needed.

Just wondering if everyone else leaves the permissions as they are?

Best Answer

You can go through the article As TomTom said, yes security has changed a lot from what it was in IIS 6.0. The article gives good in-depth on the User and Group level changes that has happened in IIS 7.0.

Below is part from the Web site link and from the help available in IIS 7.

IIS_IUSRS group has been granted access on all the necessary file and system resources so that an account, when added to this group, can act as an application pool identity seamlessly. By default, the ApplicationPoolIdentity account is selected. The ApplicationPoolIdentity account is dynamically created when an application pool is started, and therefore this account provides the most security for your applications.