Settings in httpd.conf not working


I have the following (maybe very simple) problem:

I have a fresh install of apache2 on debian. In my /etc/apache2 directory I have an apache2.conf and a httpd.conf. I thought that any change I need to make should be done in the httpd.conf.

Well, I've added this lines to my httpd.conf:

ServerSignature off
ServerTokens prod

After restarting apache there are no changes. On a 404 page I still see the apache version.
As soon as I add the code to apache2.conf, however, it's working as expected.

What am I missing here or why isn't it working?

Best Answer

Your apache2.conf file does not include the additional locations you're trying to configure by default. If you would like these config files to be used, you should add include lines for them in apache2.conf like so:

include httpd.conf
include conf.d/*.conf