Setup a http proxy server in linux so that Web users behind a big firewall in another country can access the Web without filtering


I've already setup a SSH server. I can create a socks proxy and proxify the Internet connections from within a country that censores the Internet. The problem is that SSH proxies are too slow and for that, I'd like to have a http proxy server. I didn't manage to configure a squid since I guess it's for LAN networks.

Do you know any http proxy server that would "route web traffic"?

Best Regards

Best Answer

If I understand correctly, you want to run a proxy so a (large) group of users can access the web "unfiltered".

Squid is probably the "standard" tool (outside of the MS world) to act as a proxy; you haven't described what problems you had with that.

Having said that, running what is essentially an open-proxy exposes you and your machine to various avenues of threats, from basic security (someone rooting your box) to legal implications (someone using your proxy to access child porn and you get held accountable). I am hesitant to encourage you to do so without making sure you fully understand the risks. Personally, as someone who has to deal with abused proxies regularly, the last thing I want to see on the internet is another "misconfigured" open-proxy.