Setup Exchange 2010 cannot verify Host (A) record warning


When I try to install Exchange 2010 on my server 2008 R2 server I get a warning during the prerequisites check:

Warning: setup cannot verify that the 'Host' (A) record for this computer exists within the DNS database on server:

The goal of this Exchange setup is that I'm able to sent email in my local domain as well receive/sent email through the public domain name.

Some information about my setup
This Server is going to be a dedicated exchange host and has the following IP setup: (IP's are examples and not the real IP's ofc)


  • IP:
  • Subnet:
  • No gateway
  • DNS: (is domain controler with authoritive DNS)

public WAN NIC:

  • IP:
  • Subnet:
  • Gateway:
  • DNS: |

My public domain –

  • A record: mail – IP:
  • MX record IP:

As I'm seeing now the exchange setup is looking for the A record in one of the DNS servers in my Public WAN NIC.
And ofc this is not where my A records are defined. I have those A records in 2 places:
1. In the domain controler DNS (the private nic)
2. In the online dns registration of my public domain (

My question is… is this warning going to be a problem? Can I do something better in my setup so that this warning will go away?
Please advice?

Edit: Some additional info.
Today I've tested dns functionality with dcdiag and I've also used nslookup from various places to see if I could locate my mail server through IP/domain name/computername. All is fine.

Then as a test I disabled the Public WAN NIC for a sec and started the Exchange setup again. Now the set-up goes through all checks WITHOUT any issue.

Somehow this leads me to believe that this is warning I can safely ignore but still would be nice if anyone can shed some light on why Exchange set-up seams to prefer the NIC that holds the Gateway… (at least this is my careful conclusion)

Best Answer

This is a warning you can ignore. Hope you have a firewall somewhere between your public nic and the internet :)