Setup squid3 proxy server on linux server with 2 ethernet ports


I need to setup squid3 proxy server on my linux machine with 2 ethernet ports(eth0 and eth1). eth0 has an IP address of assigned by a router which provides internet to the system. eth1 is connected to a switch. I need squid3 to serve the switch through eth1. How should I configure eth1? I don't need the configurations for squid3. What should I do?

Best Answer

If you don't need a transparent proxy, then you don't need to bother giving eth1 an address. All the traffic can be handled by eth0.

If you do need a transparent proxy, you have two options here.

Option 1: Bridge it

Configure both Ethernet faces into a bridge group, and then use iptables to handle the intercept. You assign the virtual bridge interface an IP address.

Option 2: Route it

Configure your Squid server as a router. Install dhcp on it to ensure the rest of your network can get addresses. Then use iptables to handle the intercept.